We are asking for donations so that we can continue to feed people, provide creative opportunities and enable a better quality of life for those who are facing financial hardship.
we also accept donations of food
to find out more email us at
The Phoenix Food Shop is a volunteer-led social supermarket that provides affordable food for the community. We support people who live in the Phoenix Estate, Tarner and lower Hanover & Elm Grove areas of Brighton and are struggling to meet the cost of putting food on the table. Our aim is to provide high quality, healthy and nutritious food, avoid food wastage and bring people together.
Did you know?:
More than 14 million people in the UK live below the poverty line. (Trussell Trust)
In 2022/23, the number of children living in poverty increased by 100,000 from 4.2 million in 2021/22 to 4.3 million children. (Action for Children)
In 2023, the number of Brighton and Hove residents accessing emergency food provision rose to 6441 every week, which is an increase of 25% on the previous year. (Brighton and Hove Food Partnership)
The Phoenix Food Shop has been supporting 70-80 households in the local community for over 4.5 years?
At the Phoenix Food Shop our members receive a weekly food shop worth approximately £50, including fresh fruit and vegetables, meat, cheese, eggs, bread and store cupboard items for just £7.50 per week.
Not only do we provide food we also collaborate with Phoenix Art Space to ensure that local residents have access to free creative opportunities. Family workshops take place in the shop during the school holidays and art packs are distributed with the food on a regular basis.
As we come into the winter months we're aware that it is more of a challenge for families to feed their children amid the ongoing cost of living crisis.
We are asking for donations towards our festive hampers appeal. Each year the Phoenix Food Shop raises money to provide festive hampers for 50-60 households locally who will be facing financial hardship this winter. Our aim is to make this festive period as special as possible for the people who we support with our service.
Our long term plans go beyond the shop; your donations will enable us to address social isolation and create an inclusive space for people living in the local area by opening a community cafe.